Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Acid rain's effect on plants and wildlife

Most people have heard of acid rain. Acid rain contains a PH which is less than 4 and is produced by rain water which falls through volcanic emissions. Acid rain also describes a type of precipitation which contains high levels of sulphuric and nitric acids. Acid rain leaves in its wake, a host of ecological effects. Yet the most prominent and detrimental is the damage it does to streams, lakes, rivers and varied aquatic environments. Acid rain does serious damage to plants and wildlife. Acid rain makes what is called ‘acidic water’ which absorbs aluminium. The acidic waters then find its way from soil to waterways, forests and so forth, damaging all in its path.

Acid rain falls as mentioned above, and when it does it lands on crops, buildings, roads, houses and wildlife. It falls directly on bodies of water which wildlife drink or feed from. Sensitive bodies of water are affected by acid rain, and wildlife which live in or are dependent on these bodies of water, are affected. Acid rain kills sea life, reducing the fish, waterfowl and other aquatic life. It can completely eliminate fish species and decrease biodiversity. Acid rain pollution is a problem which affects all it comes in contact with. The affects of acid rain are mainly caused related to the combination of sulphur and oxide which mixes with moisture from the sky.

Acid rain is deemed one of the most serious environmental problems the world can ever face. But acid rain also gets its name from acid deposits which are the result of sulphurs and oxides which mix with rain, sleet and snow. These find their way to the ground and waterways. Unfortunately acid rain will only ever be controlled when the world’s inhabitants agree to enforce the protection of the environment as much as is humanly possible. Sadly acid rain makes rainforests almost obsolete, wildlife in danger of extinction, lakes and rivers lose their fish population and waters contaminated. Acid rain is basically air pollution.

Acid rain dissolves the nutrients from plants. Consequently plants then fail to grow healthy. Minerals in the soil are diminished and the trees and plants then fail to grow. In a nutshell, acid rain affects every living thing on the planet. Acid rain dissolves the wax coating on leaves. Acid rain alters the natural chemistry of the environment. It interferes with the ability for fish and other aquatic life to take in salt, oxygen and other much needed nutrients for survival. When acidic rain is present in water, it causes mucus to form in the gills of fish and sea mammals. They cannot absorb oxygen from the water and die. Acid rain is a horribly destructive form of pollution.

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