Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is acid rain?


Acid rain is rain that is polluted by acid in the atmosphere. It damages the environment. The acid can also be found in snow and fog. There are 2 main air pollutants that change into acid, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOX). When they react with moisture in the atmosphere they become acids.

Where do the pollutants come from?


The sulphur and nitrogen pollutants come from burning fossil fuels, from coal-fired generators making electricity, from smelting furnaces in steel works, and from petrol driven motor vehicles.

What are the effects of acid rain?
Acid rain can harm forests and crops.
It pollutes rivers, lakes and streams and damages the animals that live in them. Acid rain also damage to statues and buildings.


Acidic dust!
Acid in the atmosphere also falls to the earth as dust. Some scientific studies have found that acidic dust particles can cause an increase in attacks of asthma and bronchitis in humans

When the dust is washed away by rain the acid is added to the rain water which pours into streams and river and the oceans, polluting them and harming plants and animals that live there.

Acid rain can also ruin buildings and public statues and monuments. The acid eats into metal and stone.

What can be done?
People can help by turning off lights, computers and other appliances when they're not being used.

Buy energy efficient appliances which use less electricity.

Using alternative energy sources such as wind energy, geothermal energy, and solar energy will reduce the pollutants caused by electricity generation.

Cars powered with natural gas and battery-powered cars will produce less pollution.

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