Monday, September 16, 2013

Acid Rain in South Korea

Environmental statistics reveals that the pollution of acid rain in South Korea is a serious issue. Yet the awareness of people is low. Even after a gradual decrease of pollutant emission in Korea, the acidity has not been reduced. There no boundaries in the atmosphere are set and the influence of the neighboring countries such as China is apparent. Governmental efforts among China, Japan and Korea have been made on this issue. However, not much progress has been observed. Along with the governmental activities, therefore, an active monitoring of the pollution among the countries and the promotion of environmental awareness at the civil level including especially the middle and high schools are highly recommended. It will be this young generation who will face damaged country as inheritance not the current generation.

Occurence And Distribution of Acid Rain In South Korea:

Acid rain has become a worldwide issue as environmental problem since 1980's. From the latter part of 1980's, nations regulated the emission of sulpur oxides and nitrogen oxides.Actually the release of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides has been reduced substantially since 1990's and it appeared that the problem of acid rain was almost solved. The discharge of sulpur oxides was reduced. Nevertheless, the acidity of rain was not weakened. The reason was the reduction of alkaline materials simultaneously that neutralized the acidity of rain [3]. Alkaline dust and suspended solids were reduced as road pavement expanded. Alkaline dust became less in the air also through the efforts of reducing dust discharges that were produced from the factories and power plants

As a result, acid rain appears still strong in 2011 in South Korea. Rather, public attention decreased than before. It seems that acid rain is not a top priority any more due to other environmental issues. In order to achieve more substantial results, a couple of  obligatory actions should be followed. First, in monitoring each country, we propose a swapping of specialists. For example,Korean specialists monitor Japan's environment and Japanese specialists check Chinese environment and so forth. The specialists who take part in monitoring prepare a report and  present the results in the joint environment Minister meeting. Based on these monitoring, each country is expected to set the goals of reducing the pollutants at the periods of 5, 10 and 15 years. Also we suggest that a protocol with these reduction goals written on it be signed at the summit meeting

Lastly the adult generation is bound in political and economical system. They may not see the environmental issue as top priority. After all it will be the young generation, not the current generation, who will live in an environmentally devastated world if we do not act now accordingly now. That is why the young generation should speak out and take actions now.

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